Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Aaryn, Mike, Bob and Will
The Golfers

On the links.

Aaryn has found something to fill his free time - GOLF!!! And there are many willing participants here to go along with him. These are some of the pics from his outing last weekend. The weekend before that was a holiday here in China, and Aaryn managed to fit in golf each day of the three-day weekend. Hmmm . . . if I ever want to see my husband again, I may have to develop an interest in this sport.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

More KTV!!!!

We have been KTV'ing a lot lately! Here are some of the highlights. . . .
The Teachers from the local International School - everyone loves KTV.

Sing out Maryanne!

James belts out "Lady"

Feel it!!! Sometimes you gotta dance.

Just watching the show.

Duet anyone?

The local shows us how it's done :)
For any of you who plan on visiting us here in China, be warned that KTV is a must!!!! Don't worry we have done a ton of research, many Friday and Saturday nights spent singing poorly to find the best spot in TEDA to go KTV'ing. Still wanna come????