Monday, February 16, 2009

Yes, Another One
Yes, another Vlog!!!! You know you love 'em!


  1. The DVD shopping is like buying knockoff handbags here in in Chinatown. Very sketchy, you feel like you are on a movie!

  2. Loving the V-Logs. Keep 'em coming....although I do request aaryn get you a tripod. Just watching is making my arm hurt. Love you bunches. -dj

  3. Your pollution pics reminded me of old pics (around 1900) that I have seen of St. Louis in the winter time. Since there were no public utilities, everyone heated their houses with coal--so every house in St. Louis was spewing coal out their chimney. A "black fog" (sound familiar?) just hung over the entire city for most of the winter, and even on sunny days the sun could not get through. I know they burn LOTS of coal in Dinah Jane sez--this is a blast, keep 'em coming.
