Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Belly Dancing and A Room with a View!

Just a little update.

Sausage and Mahjong

Last weekend we went over to Matt and Angie's apartment and the men made sausage while we ladies played mahjong. It was a wonderful time and the sausage (made from Florian's family recipe) was delicious.

I took some video of the sausage making and as soon as I get it edited, I will post it.

Times Grocery ripped off HEB

Isn't this HEB's slogan? This is the shopping bag from the local import store. Next thing you know they'll have an HEBuddy standing on the street corner for the kids!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Expat Wives of TEDA

I tried a little experiment with my movie making software and this is the outcome. The first installment of the Expat Wives of TEDA. Enjoy . . .

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yeah, I'm really bored today.

So, I've been spending WAY too much time in the hotel today because of the weather. So, lucky you - another Vlog!!!!!

Weird Arrangement

Is it just me, or is this an odd floral arrangement? I've been spending a lot of time in the hotel today since it is snowing and so I've been noticing things like this. It's not just me, it is odd.

Annie's first Snow Day VLOG

Check it out!!!

Just too funny

This is the front page on the English Language paper this morning. Sand???? Does that look like sand to you?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So I wake up this morning and this is what I see!!! That's snow! White, cold, snow! Sorry if you are reading this and you have seen this stuff on a regular basis. I still get as giddy as a school girl when I see it.

These pictures are also educational. The buildings across the street are our apartments. Our apartement is on the far left 3rd floor. They are called Warner Gardens and they back up to a golf course. But . . .knowing our luck with golf courses they will sell it and put up a high rise before we move in :)

More to come soon, but I must dash off to my Belly Dancing class and then I'm off to cooking class. Life is just so darn busy :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Yes, Another One
Yes, another Vlog!!!! You know you love 'em!

And for my Father-in-law!

I know you'll get this one. I saw these and thought of you!

For my Dad!

Yes, they even have pink wine in China. Love it!

This one is for Julie!

Martinelli's in China!

Another Classic

So we stroll into Angela's apartment building to find this waiting on the floor. Just chilling there, on the floor. We think it is a pig - but are willing to entertain other ideas :)

Some Classics

Sometimes you just walk around China and think, what the *#%^???? The tranlastions for products are Hah-Larious!!!! Here is a classic . . . mmmmmm Corn Jelly!

Blue Skies!!!

You will never guess what we saw this weekend in TEDA!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

First day in China Video

Okay, so I am new to this whole VLOG thing but here is my second try. Enjoy!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

We Live in China Now!

We are officially here. I'm sorry we didn't write that first day - jet lag was the enemy. But, today we are ready a raring to go. Aaryn is off to the office and I am off with the ladies to get pampered - life is rough! We got a cell phone yesterday - and as soon as I remember the number I will get it out to y'all. Stay tuned for some video from our drive down from Beijing and our home for the next few weeks. I will work on that tonight.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On Our Way

We are well on our way to China now. We are just on our layover in San Fran waiting to board the airplane to take us to our new home (for the next few years, at least). Our hearts will always live in Texas, however.
We were so rushed there at the end that I am afraid we missed seeing some people before we left (at 4 am this morning). I apologize for that, but remember, we will be home in 4 months. So you won't get to miss us too much.
I feel like I should have some really profound statement to make right now about this adventure in our lives, but all I have is "I'm excited, and tired". Maybe after a little catnap on the next plane I will be more loquacious.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Family and Friends

It takes a lot more than I ever expected to move to a foreign country. It takes the help of many people - we could not be doing this without our family and friends. They are helping us pack, storing things for us, feeding us, and making this a much less stressful situation. I just want everyone to know that we appreciate everything they are doing for us. Without the help we would be in a pinch right now. THANK YOU!