Monday, January 12, 2009

The Great Apartment Search

So, we leave in just about a month and I am here packing up our life, sorting thru all of our closets - full of 5 years of crap! While I do that, Aaryn is in China, meeting his team and searching for our apartment. Now, for the average family, this would be a difficult task. For poor Aaryn, whose wife is an interior decorator with certain expectations, this is almost impossible. Factor in the time difference and trying to talk about the apartment choices either at the crack of dawn or while I am falling asleep . . . I am so frustrated I want to scream. I know it will all work out. I just need to be patient and let it happen. So, I will continue packing and sorting, Aaryn apartment hunting, and eventually we will be moving to China. I'll keep you posted!